International Circle
Because Everyone is International!
Who are we? Polk State’s International Circle is an organization whose members represent diverse cultural and ethnic groups brought together to explore various cultures of the world and to introduce them to the College and local communities. We believe that the true spirit of America and of its people, as well as its uniqueness, is found in its cultural and ethnic diversity; therefore, we consider introducing and learning about different cultures to be one of our main priorities. Diversity of club members’ backgrounds contributes substantially to the success of the club.
What do we do? Our meetings are International Days with guest speakers from various countries. Days vary. We host a variety of activities: field trips to cultural festivals, museums, theatres, and other events both on and off campus. We also collaborate with other Polk State clubs throughout the year. To assist you in world traveling opportunities, contact our advisors. The Executive Council (officers and advisors) meetings are arranged each semester as needed by email.
Who is welcome? Absolutely everyone! You do not need to be a Polk State student or faculty member to join; you do not need to be a member to attend your first meeting. Simply show up and bring an open mind.
Where and when do we meet? The general meetings are held on both campuses, and at times, we may be linked via live interactive television. When used, this technology allows members and guests to attend the meetings on either campus, making it easier for those who cannot commute. Meetings are listed on our upcoming calendars provided each semester.
For more information, contact the IC advisors on either campus:
- Thelma Chicas | Lakeland Campus |
- Cary Gardell | Winter Haven Campus |